I am often approached by current yoga teachers or students interested in teacher training about whether I would recommend doing yoga teacher training in India based on my experience. A…
Cusco (pronounced “Costco” we later learned) was by far a more authentic experience than Lima, although still very touristy because of Machu Picchu and the Sacred Valley. Luckily we weren’t…
Lima, Peru is the third largest city in South America with a population of around 10 million people. It is not exactly a tourist destination as it is not the…
I had a few unforgettable experiences in Rishikesh. As much as I enjoyed all of the yoga and the training, some of my best experiences were outside of the ashram….
Shatkarma is a detoxification process performed by yogis to purify the body and mind and includes six parts, three of which we participated in. The first part of the process…
We begin our day at 6:30am with a meditation and pranayama breathing class. As much as it sucks to get up that early, the pranayama and meditation exercises are a…
We have our own cook who prepares for us three meals a day of traditional vegetarian Indian cuisine. Breakfasts are generally light; fruit, yogurt, oatmeal with bananas, or Puja, a…
The original ashram was along the Ganges River bank and unfortunately was flooded out last June. We are only the second group to stay in the new ashram and it…
Sunday was our first day off and my new friend Melissa and I decided to explore Rishikesh and do some shopping. Rishikesh is a small town that’s actually quite cute…
I am in a group with 11 other people from all over the world including Canada, New Zealand, France, Spain, China, Latvia, and even a local girl from Rishikesh. Our…